2024 Update: Right now I'm working two permanent part-time jobs, so unfortunately I have no availability for locum work. I'll update this page if that changes in the future.
Contact me for a no-obligation enquiry about possible dates. I'm happy to "pencil in" dates in advance while you're planning your holiday or other absence, to be confirmed as time gets closer. As of 2023 I have limited availability, but I hope to be able to offer increased availability in 2024.
I generally prefer to work in block weeks or fortnights, but can sometimes consider shorter stints, depending on my availability and travel logistics. Just ask!
Last minute enquiries are welcome, especially for local (Newcastle area & Lower Hunter) optometry work - you never know if you never ask!
How far are you willing to travel?
Ideally my preference is for locum work within daily commuting distance of home (Newcastle NSW), but with enough notice I can potentially work pretty much anywhere in Australia (allowing for COVID travel restrictions of course), as long as it's practical and there's enough time to travel to & from other bookings before & after.
Being based in Newcastle, I'm within a day's driving distance of much of Northern NSW, New England, and the Central West, meaning flights aren't necessary for trips to these areas.
For interstate destinations, Newcastle Airport normally has direct flights to Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast & Brisbane, with onward connections from there. Depending on the destination, it's often cheaper to connect via Melbourne or Brisbane rather than Sydney.
What are your locum rates?
Generally in line with market locum rates, and well below the MBS schedule benefit for two comprehensive initials per hour. Contact me for more details, and also to discuss travel & accommodation arrangements, which vary with each position.
How do I know you'll look after my patients?
Read about my experience doing locum work over many years in many parts of Australia, on this site.
Feel free to contact the optometrists, practice managers or dispensers at any of my previous locum placements for a testimonial. Or just ask around optometry & optics circles generally!
After owning and managing of my own successful optometry practice for over 20 years, I know what's required to ensure your patients are happy with their experience!
I'm open to working pretty much anywhere in Australia, as long as it's practical and there's enough time to travel to & from other bookings before & after.